Marshall / Indirect Tensile Digital Compression Tester


  • 50 kN capacity
  • High precision strain gauge load cell and displacement transducer included
  • Touchscreen graphic diplay 240×128 pixel, icons driven showing figures and diagrams
  • High resolution: 132000 points
  • Large storing capacity on USB pen drive of test data downloadable to PC
  • Ethernet port for connection to PC
  • Language selection
  • Software package available for data processing and print including data-base (not included)
  • For Marshall and Indirect tensile tests


A bench mounted compression frame with motor and worm gear housed within the base unit producing a platen speed of 50.8 mm/min. A limit switch is provided for the bottom limit of travel. The machine is fit with a precision strain gauge load cell and displacement transducer, both connected to the Digimax Touch data acquisition and processing system (which is part of the system) featuring a large display and standard software covering either the Marshall or the Indirect tensile test. For more details see PC software.

The machine can be completed with a PC software (see accessories) suitable for running CBR, Marshall, Indirect Tensile and universal load/displacement tests. Data are presented numerically and graphically in real-time:

  • Saving and management of tests through single files
  • Single and multiple test result management and printout: Data export to MS Excel®
  • Language selection: English, French, Spanish and Italian plus any other custom language
  • Connection to Controls machine with high speed Ethernet connection.